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GO. My -Eclass

Course: C001


沒有作業 No Assignment

Student Name 學生姓名:

沒有作業 No Assignment
Add Submition (繳交/上傳作業)


You can upload the file again, the old file will be replaced.

Attention! You can just add only one document to submit.

注意: 你只能上傳一個文件來繳交作業。

規定繳交時間 Deadline:

- - -

Your Comment (你的留言)

提交功課已過期!The submission has already expired!

提交功課未開始!The submission will be start later!

注意 Attention︰

​上傳文件時,請不要關閉此網頁!Please do not close this browser when your file is uploading!

如文件上傳成功會顯示成功上傳信息,否則文件不能成功上傳!If you success to upload your file, it will show a success message. Otherwise, it mean you cannot success to upload your file!

​✘ 功課未能成功提交,請重新嘗試!Your homework cannot submit. Please try again!

✔ 你已成功提交功課! Your homework has already submitted!

提交後請更新頁面檢視提交狀態!After submitted, please refresh the page and view my submit status!
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